Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Learn To Pick Your Battles

Do you want to be right......and alone? It's not about being right or wrong all the time. Sometimes you have to let things slide (not important things). Arguing over every little thing is childish (only you know what is important to you). If you know you have to tell him to take out the trash, just remind him. If it bothers you to put the cap back on the toothbrush WOOSAH the just do it. If he is late just suck it up. Unless he is ALWAYS late then you have to reasses what is worth arguing about and take one for the team (don't date late ass mofo's lol). ***Side Note - There is a big difference between keeping quiet and playing the ass*** (which of course men will pick door #2 all day). I'm not saying make significant amount of changes to the point where you lesson or lose your morals and principles. In the case I say make bounce (face it who wants to play by themselves) it wasn't fun as a child (with imagination) I am not a child !! ( I'm a grown ass woman dog in my Cedric the Entertainer voice). Sometimes women can be stubborn, and argue over petty stuff. It happens to the best of us, because the love is so deep emotions take over. I was never like that, but it's always that ONE that brings out your EVIL twin (in my Dr. Evil voice). We are QUEENS and must lead the way for our KINGS.....(more on that later).
Here is a Tip : Consider softening your approach.Reconsidering a criticism or hard-line stance n a matter could improve your relationship or love-life. I'm finally back to my old self (laughing to myself). My swagger is in rare form. I can do some damage (ego) . I have a bright future and apart of growing is being able to control your thoughts,emotions,and appetites. Keep Doing you, don't wait around for your kings approval (he should know what he has, as you should know what you have as well). In this life I take nothing for granted. I am blessed. It could be worse. Let's not get wrapped up in titles, just have fun and live. We only have one life to live (like the soap) you get one shot let's make it count !!! If you have someone special enjoy the time you spend. Soak up all the momentous occasions because in the end that is all you will have left. I woke up and had an epiphany. If you chose to follow what I have written I believe that in an ironic twist, it could be your respect, compassion to defer and pick your battles that breaks him or melts his heart, and get him to make an exception to the rule.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's your Fantasy ???

Someone said to me the other day (about and unrelated topic) Am I trying to live out a fantasy??? (rude rass lol). The answer is NO (peedy pablo) if you really want to know ( which you can only if you are trying to make it happen :oT ) I will more than happy to express my fantasies with you. So there is the first fantasy. Pink and Black Sand what you know about that ?!!!
Make it happen !!!
Like Luda said is his debut single ....What's your fan-ta-ta-sy ?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jus Chill

So I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about men and women and how some times we tend to take things too serious, and stop going with the flow. I must admit I'm guilty of doing just that. I had some running around to do this weekend I put some time aside to really thinking about what moves I need to make. I also hung out with a friend had a good time. I was talking to them about moving ,career plans first I was hesitant at the thought of moving but I thought about it I have no children it's about time I get out and explore. I'm beginning to make necessary changes. Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and we have to role with the punches, adjust accordingly, calculate your next move be 2 steps ahead.Right now I'm thinking of a master plan, getting my mind right (while sitting on the couch w/ my sexy panties on lmfao). I move to reach the next level in my life plan. Even though I am still in my 20's. All of this self -realization while wondering can I "Jus Chill" ? I working on certain traits and I haven't noticed that when I made them was a change for the better, god forbid nothing for the worse. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. I'm ready to move past the mundane and grind out. I think I can get back to the certain moral, principles,core values. Everyday encounters (in most cases) detour you from full filling your destiny.
I feel like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, I have taken some pretty tough circumstances and used them to grow. Now I am developing into something lovely and fantastic beyond my wildest imaginings. I also feel sexy, vibrant, mature, flirtatious, sensual,provocative...well you get the idea lmao. During times like these, it's good to remember how grateful you are -- not only for the easy things in your life, but for the tough circumstances as well. They've shaped you into someone amazing. Take a moment to honor yourself. My friend Tracey said to me yesterday you can either live life or LIVE life (so true mama). Even with all this self realization I am still confused (yes I can keep it 100) about certain aspects involving relationships (please note that when I speak of relationships it should always be considered general ex, family,friends, intimate unless otherwise noted) Can you just chill without losing yourself, being true to your core values, moral, and principles even though certain ideologies change ? Can you continue being the person you were before the relationship and still be considerate to someone else's feeling ?? Shit too much to think about how can you chill with all that shit on your mind ? I think most of people change when we are in relationships. I would like to think I do not I naturally love to cater and spoil my friends or partner. On the other hand there is nothing wrong with letting your inner child run free in moderation (something I should practice more often). Taking a step back to properly evaluate people in your life you to get to the core of what you want and need out your relationships. Some people fall in love with the idea of being in love. So when in the Jus chill phase I think you shouldn't rush things do not make a commitment if you are not ready for one, If you have to cut ninjaz and bitches off do that before making a commitment to someone else save yourself the headache. Please remember Karma is a bitch and will eat you alive do unto others .......
I have a list of things that I would like to do before I have children and some just before I leave this earth I have already started to implement them. So stay tuned I'm sure things are about to get VERY interesting....

Xmas Wish List .....

Hey Guys and Gals I know it has been a minute but I promise that I have some very interesting topics for you coming soon. Xmas is vastly approaching and I know everyone is making their lists and checking it twice to make sure they get what they truly desire. With that being said I've been a very good girl this year ( maybe even too good) and i want everything on my list no stone left unturned thanks :oT .
  1. I would like these CL shoes from @Cxxvii 's blog
  2. I would this black LV bag
  3. Grey Gucci Bag
  4. 1 carat Diamond studs minimum SI 1 and G-H color Screw Backs
  5. A pair Via Spiga Riding Boots in Chocolate size 7
  6. A grey wool coat
  7. (3) watch bands for my watch
  8. ceramic black watch w/diamond (although this gift could cross over into Valentines day wink )

Hey guys what are your xmas wishes ? I hope you all get what you want and deserve.



Monday, November 16, 2009

My Horoscope

The World card suggests that you may have come a long way, baby, in reaching your romantic goals or letting go of the past. Now you could receive further gifts in your love life. Perhaps some family planning or a change in your relationship that can expand your horizons is in the works. Get ready for creative plans for the future. This may be the real deal. You could finally feel complete -- but it's only the beginning.
Ok Ok this is exactly how I am feeling minus the family planning hahahahaha I am Blessed !!!
**** New blogs will be posted this week I apologize I moved and had numerous things to take care of at once***
Ciao ,

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Why Buy The Cow , When ........

I read a very interesting article on another website, it was so insightful I decided to share my thoughts on this issue. Growing up I didn't want to learn how to cook, shit I barely wanted to clean my room. Every time it is drilled into young girls head "you have to learn this "what kind of man are you going to have if you don't" or my personal favorite line "you can not get a husband if you do not do this " My response each time is my husband will cook ,clean and wash my clothes (yea right :o/). I still soaked up all the information that my drill Sargent was feeding me. It wasn't until I reached about 18 then I was thankful for all lessons learned. I hate a man with a dirty house. Actually I want a man who is neater than me so I know for sure I won't have to clean up after him lol !!!!! I guess people take advangte and do not appreciate the good things they expect too much , so it makes it easier to explore all options because there are no more morals and principles. Some people pop the question just to shut you up (smh)Anyway in this article this man states that a man will never marry you, if you one already cater to him, and act like you are married for instance :
  1. move in together before marriage "
  2. have sex w/o protection
  3. clean his apartment ,cooking "playing house"
  4. Calling him hubby, him calling you wifey etc
  5. wash his clothes
  6. laying up w/each other for hours at a time
  7. talking about forever but no commitment is in place
  8. Putting things in each others names
  9. Keys to apartment

*When you do these type of marital acts, you are giving a person the opportunity to use you up. They are getting the most out of you already so “why would they marry you?”.
He also stated that if your not married your single!!!!!!!. People do not owe you anything because your dating. You are single until he puts a ring on your finger only then you are in a committed relationship. Doing Martial Acts without being married.
I have to admit I'm guilty of this very same act smfh. I guess times have change I have been bread to do all these things. How do you show you are marriage material ??? I have a lot of questions, but you know what I agree I'm single I'm not married never been , never been close I guess the old saying is true why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free. Very insightful.
Please check him out here his name is Life Skills and he is a relationship blogger.
Thank you Life Skills I needed this post.
Knowing is half the battle ,

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pisces vs Gemini

So I had a run in with a Gemini a couple of years ago, he was decent guy, took me out showed me a good time , wasn't stingy but one day he flipped out for no reason that is when I seen the other side of him. I believe Gemini's male/female are two different people the calm and reserved half and the psycho kill you bitch side (males). the females on the other hand will try to be friend you then destroy you behind your back. I think they always got a lot of drama going on in their lives. This encounter was very brief due to the fact that he broke one of my unbreakable rules. I think people believe your joking when you say I will not tolerate certain things, especially since Gemini people have this sex appeal about then I don't know what that's about lol. So he played himself and then my ex (who was on hiatus at the time) wanted to work on us, it all happened the way it was suppose to. Needless to say Gemini #1 came back full force I mean he brought 3 dozen roses was blowing my phone up like a stalker (btw that is where the term Stalkerdentay came from) seriously like 30 calls in one hour :o/ . I stuck to my principles gave him no more air time, I have no time for men that try to treat me like the average. I guess he was so use to getting his way that he forgot that there is always an exception to the rule, and I wasn't like every other chick he dealt with. Moving right along :
So I met another Gemini recently who is very nice, and thoughtful. I sense the person hiding something I can't put my finger on it hmmmm. Truthful with somethings but not with everything (the devilish grin gives it away). I'm smiling when I type this because I see that this person can potentially become a very good friend. I don't know about confidant though because I don't think that they can be a keeper of secrets. I don't really trust anymore. Since they haven't given me a reason to mistrust them we will just play it by ear. The only things is that they get testy after they slick and I can tell they don't like slick talk in return. I'm watching very closely I hope the don't play the same hand as Gemini #1 cause that will be a shame. I do like the fact that besides confrontation, they are willing to express themselves in different ways. You always know how they feel, think, etc. Most of all the feeling with them is light for some reason which is refreshing. I think they are trying to put certain things in place and serious about what they want out of life which I find commendable :o) ... Not only that being Pisces people can be sensitive, laid back for the most part, and emotional (only with people the care about) Another reason why it's always tug of war ! Pisces people get taken advantage of, but don't get it twisted we are nothing to fuck with and as easy as we swim up stream we will swim down to kick your ass !!! I think it will always be a tug of war. The chemistry is on punto but I get along with anyone that has a good spirit. I'm interested and please believe I'm 2 steps ahead ;oT On the other hand willing to see if this is fact of fiction. Glad I met ya BABE ;op. I was told I will meet a lot of interesting people this year :ox See Me On Top !!!!
Stay tuned......

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What's your Fantasy ?? Part II

In part one of this series I stated that I wanted to go some where with Black and Pink sand. That is one my list of things to do before I have children and die lol (list is another blog in itself). Anyway I thought I would share another "fantasy" if you want to call it that or my idea of a perfect date, or I moment in the movie playing in your head. *Side Note I do not believe in perfection is the normal sense of the word* but what is right according to my standards (not something w/o flaws).

Anyway back to what I was saying I love going to the movies, bowling (even though I suck), skating (don"t even get me started on that I'm the worse) , plays, museums, and of course going out to eat . I dislike people that lacks originality when it comes to dating.

My perfect is simple maybe a dinner, followed by a walk in central park preferably in spring early fall months. Another idea is a carriage ride. I prefer not in winter time because it is so cold I want to enjoy it (but with the right man it could be dreamy) and you know my motto there are always exceptions that proves the rule. I find thoughtful date ideas maybe be a little more time consuming the the traditional dinner/movie date....but those fine details is what separate your BF/GF and Husband/Wife. So simple but yet, for some hard. this year I am going to make it happen !!

This is just my what's in my mind.

Live, Life ,Change, and Most Importantly LOVE HARD anything else is uncivilized.



Monday, October 5, 2009

Go Go Gadget Flow ......

The other day I had a meeting in my Manhattan and my phone was going dead, after that met up with .........(who should forever remain nameless) lol and I said yo my bateria is negativo, they replied mine as well. So we stopped at Duane Reade and purchased it. The product actually works and most of all ladies it can fit right into your purse (Gucci Shoes) just in case your phone ever dies or you are running on E. I give this product a thumbs up. It retails for 20 bucks worth it in my opinion. What Is It:
Energizer® Energi To Go™ Instant Cell Phone Charger is a reusable charging device that can be used with cell phones, some PDAs and Blackberries. It is compact and enables you to keep your phone charged without having to rely on the availability of power outlets. The charger comes with a phone tip connector, the charger itself and two Energizer® e2® Lithium® AA batteries. While other batteries may work - those are the recommended type and brand (of course it is). How Does It Work: The charger uses the power of two AA batteries to recharge your cell phone or PDA. Not only can it be used to fully charge a dead battery but it can be used to top up batteries so that you don't go dead during an important conversation. Not only can this be used just for charging, but while you are talking or using your device. An LED indicates the charge level of your device. Why You Should Use It:
Nothing is worse than being in the middle of a phone call and losing all power. If you lose battery power due to location or you forgot to charge before leaving on your trip; it will help you to not miss calls or connections. This is a very compact, economical, lightweight and easy to use gadget.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Guess Who's Bizzack

Hello Guys,
Sorry it has been a minute since my last update, I've been busy re-evaluating somethings and people in my life. I find that even though most people do it more often than others a thorough clean out of your closet is needed every couple of years as far as people whom you thought was of importance. Anyway I am trying to revamp this site (I have plenty of ideas). I just received a promotion, and I find myself newly single all at the time same time. I thought it would be a bit overwhelming but I think it was time and god was preparing me for this .
Ok On To The Next One................
So with that being said I will cover future events etc, give updates as to what I would like to accomplish. Ellegua is opening my path and with God I can do anything. I will keep hitting you guys with topics i find interesting, and address concerns. Feel free to always drop me a line with any suggestions you may have at :
I just speak on what's "In My Mind "
Ciao ,

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Weekend Ahead

Girls Night Out Friday Night Sept 18,2009 Location : undisclosed *Put on for ya city lol*

** G14 classified only if u going can you know**

Ween Empowerment Conference September 19, 2009, 11am Alaine L. Locke School 21 West 111 Street (Between 5th and 6th Aves)

Company Picnic Sunday September 20th, 2009 11:30-4:00 PM *RAIN DATE 9/27/09


*southern-style bbq *Disc jockey/activities announcer *face painter/temporary tattooist *Balloonatic/clown *Decorate Your own tote bag *Wiffle Ball Equipment *Carnival attractions *Instant win candy and small prizes *Door prizes *Double inflatable slide *Hydraulic rock wall *Go Carting *Mini Golf *batting cages *golf driving range *volleyball

*I will bbm/email driving directions to all * I said this year I'm all about positive movements, I hope to see you guys there!

Ciao, Pana

Friday, September 11, 2009

Bush Ninja

This is what happens when you mess with a bush ninja........LMFAO
**Side Note** as a bush how do you get bush ninja'd on ?? *crystal skull face*
Bush Ninja (n) - Always ready for war. Will pop out of no where ready f@%$ you up . They hide in bushes, do stake outs. They get you by any means necessary !!! (Only I can think of that kind of tomfooleray) I bet you people start using it!
I'm about to pull a Bush Ninja really soon, be on point streets is watching!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Internet marks 40 year anniversary

The Internet just turned 40 years old today. In Fall 1969 two California universities sent/shared the first data between two computers and set the foundation for what was to become the Internet. A 15 foot grey cable that would allow for communication of computers passed the first data. Keep in mind these computers were designed without any idea that they would ever have a need to intercommunicate; hence the term “technocentric”. The machines had no internal mechanism to interconnect with and the Operating Systems they were running were quite different. This necessitated an agnostic platform, and standard approach that would work on any platform (this would evolve into TCP/IP) which is by necessity platform agnostic.
The origin of this project was a result of the Russians successfully testing an atomic bomb. The American Governemt/DARPA realized that in the event of a nuclear war, underground bases would need a method to communicate. Without a phone company that would survive, they designed the concept of using computers that would pass the data over any surviving telephone poles until it reached its destination in this case an underground military base. TCPIP (transmission control protocol/internet protocol), would try every path until it succeeded or failed to meet its intended destination. By the end of the month Stanford and UC Santa Barbara and the University of Utah would all be interconnected in a network sharing their data and the number crunching resources for their astronomy research. The rest of the internet grew connection by connection until we have what we today refer to as the internet. All company networks, network printing, websites, etc. are derivative of this first internetworking.
Happy 40th internet I can't even remember life without you lmao !

Try This......*Updated*

Yerba Buena Restaurant (price $$)
23 Avenue A
The Girls and I will definitely check this spot out very soon !!
So I try this restaurant the other usually I only recommend places that I have been to but I read about and the dishes seem delightful so i decided to posted it anyway. On Tuesday I met up with a friend of mine and we decided (well I decided) we will grab a bite to there. The waiter was very attentive without being over baring.the dishes that he recommended sound good my friend try both dishes (greedy lol). I loved my Paella it was very good and spicy (just the way I like it). Also I asked for a drink (Those who know me have the bbm shock face lol) , the waiter recommended one came back with this milky looking drink that was soooooooo good I ordered another one. My overall experience was a pleasant one. The ambiance was great perfect lighting if you are on a date. The only thing is it isn't very spacious but I think that is what I like about it lol. :oT
Happy Eats !

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dating 101 Tips for *Men*

  1. Do not think because you paid for a meal, I am entitled to sleep with you. As a matter of fact let me break it down, if a woman wants to sleep with you she will let you know thanks :o/
  2. Do not disrespect by trying to grope (*please see # 1) women. Touchy feely when you first meet is usually frowned upon. (be easy) . Ninja we don't know you take it slow. If you call women bitches etc.. you need not apply. We want real men not little boys trying to act out what they see in videos.
  3. Do be upfront. Women like to have a choice if you have a girl/wifey just say what it is. It prevents future problems trust! Lying is unattractive I do not care how much $$ you have. You shouldn't take away peoples choice. *In the end you wonder why you got Jazmine Sullivan 'd* Ha !
  4. Do take it slow. The first couple of dates is all about getting to know the person do not invite me to your house ninja or invite yourself over, If I want you over I will invite you. If I want to come over I will ask :o/ . Listen intently and you will great a great deal of likes and dislikes. If you need help with date ideas please refer to my archives for a previously written blog on Dating Ideas. (I will also write a follow up very soon).
  5. Do not I repeat do not ask a woman on a date if you do not have enough $$ to pay for it. (that is if the date requires $$)
  6. Do be yourself I do not want to meet your representative, because I will sue you for false representation. j/k lmao.
  7. Please note that chivalry is not dead. Do open doors, for a lady. Pull out her chair at a nice restaurant. Open her car door as well. This blog caters to women not girls who want to be treated as Queens there for treating our men like the Kings they are. That puts you ahead of the class (pun intended) :o)

This is a two part blog more to come. Don't worry fellas I will have dating tips for females as well because we know some women do not act right lol. (but none that read this blog) ;o)


Friday, August 21, 2009


I have been thinking about changing the direction of this blog. Nothing major just minor tweaks that I feel will help improve this site, as well as enhance the mind, body, a spirit of my readers. If you guys have any suggestions regarding what direction I should go please do not hesitate to leave a comment. I'm all about positive movements so ALL ideas are welcome. **Please note this is not a celebrity blog **. From time to time I write about select celebrities that I feel are making big moves and taking it to another level whom I respect, however that isn't the direction I am seeking to take this blog. Other than please leave a comment let me know what you think and what you would like to see. Thanks
If you want you can email me anytime at :

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Safe Date Sex

Revelers take part in the Ceu na Terra, or "Heaven on Earth," pre-carnival parade in Rio de Janeiro, on February 14, 2009. AP Photo/ Ricardo Moraes
Everyone hears about the escapades that go on in Brazil all year round. My father always says that he is going to escape everyday madness and hide out so we couldn't find him. I says back to him we would know where to find you right in Brazil while laughing. He says back while smiling I need a new hiding place ;o) lol. Anyway I always hear stories about Brazil and the exotic women, lifestyle, and parties. anyway back to the blog I decided to write about safe sex because i was reading a article that this year during carnival Brazil will hand out 65 million condoms to promote safe sex. Carnival kicked off Friday (August 7) and the Brazilian Government is trying to aid in keeping attendees well prepared in hopes that will promote safer sex practices. This marks a 20 million increase over what they usually distribute every month. (wow) Brazil is the worlds Leading government buyer of prophylactics, spending around 36 million to purchase 1.2 billion condoms. This effort is to aide The Anti- HIV and AIDS Campaigns in that country. I commend The Brazilian Government for trying aide in the prevention of HIV & AIDS and promoting safe sex.

In my research (through conversation and reading *for statistics please see below) a lot people have misconceptions about having sex with prophylactics. I was talking to my home boy the other day and he said he was seeing a girl that had a boyfriend. They were in the process of becoming intimate when she professed that she doesn't like to use condoms :oO . She doesn't have sex at all with condoms. Needless to say that was a deal breaker according to him. The night ended with that statement (bwah haha). So I asked why ? (out of curiosity) He replied because she has a man, she barley knows me and she doesn't know who I'm dealing with etc etc. Which at the time I thought it was a good answer (that ninja know he hit it j/k) but then as I replayed the conversation in my mind (as I always do) and wondered if she didn't have a man would that have made a difference ? Would it be all good ? (no offense) lol seriously. I was talking to another friend of mine and he expressed that they way he chooses who he sleep with or performs oral sex on is determined by how she carries herself, appearance, etc.. ( I wanted to say are you kidding me?) but who am I to judge (shrugs). I think people had that mentality when they was younger to have that same mentality now that I'm grown I don't think so. I am scared to be quite honest, and I'm not scared of anything. They fact that I could catch a life threaten disease, and it would be nobodies fault but my own I can't do it for myself fuck the people! Looks are deceiving not only that are more and more people determining who they become intimate with based on rapport and appearance ? I know your thinking " I'm in a relationship or no I would never, and last but not least they looked clean. We have all probably made poor decisions in the past especially when we were younger. Unless you both seen each others test results prior to sleep with each other, you are leaving it to chance. Even after initial testing I suggest periodic testing. Men do not go to the doctor they only get checked out when their shit is burning (smh). Shit some never go to the dentist :o/. In my last relationship I was tested before and after (full work up). If you want to be call "grown" (another blog entirely) then you should start making grown decisions regarding your health. Some of us make grown decisions everyday we pay rent/mortgage, pay bills, trade/invest in stocks, manage 401k, getting married, having babies etc and do not take there health seriously. It is time to step up to the plate take control of your life and more importantly your health.
In what ways do you think you could promote safe sex in your neighborhood ?
Hmmm I think I want to do an event surrounding this very topic .
Thoughts ............


Monday, August 10, 2009

Jay - Z and Oprah In Bed Stuy

Pic taken from
Jay took Oprah on a tour around Marcy Projects in Brooklyn (where he grew up), his grandmother’s house, and more. Ok maybe Oprah will consider having Jay Z on her show.
I love it !

Latina Spotlight

Dania Ramirez getting glamorous for her COVERGIRL photo shoot with makeup artist, Rebecca Restrepo. Cover Girl
Dominican-born beauty, Dania Ramirez, has just signed on as the newest CoverGirl spokesmodel and will be prominently featured in print and television ads starting in January, 2010. Acknowledging the adversity she has had to overcome and how special this new gig is for her, the Heroes hottie told, “I’m bringing my story, a story of struggle and hard work. Not speaking the language [when I got to America] and trying to figure out my definition of beauty, you learn to recognize the beauty in all of us. It takes a strong person to get where I’ve got.” Now that Dania is part of the CoverGirl family, she said that she feels like the deal had "Been in the works my whole life. I’ve always dreamed of being a CoverGirl.”
I think she is gorgeous. She is the third Latina to become a Cover Girl. I would like to see her in more films. Is she still engaged to the director guy? I love my fellow Latina's keep shining and setting standards.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Got Kicks ?

Nike Foamposite "Lite Krptonite" $1000 You can find them here Girls Nike Sportswear "Big nike " Supra "NS Sky Top" In Gold Supra "NS Sky Indy" in Black Supra "NS Indy" in Gold Supra "NS Sky Top" in Black Supra "NS Army Suede" Indy Supra "NS Army Suede" SkyTop
Nike Air Max ST (comes out in Fall available in black as well)
If you have a sneaker fetish you can go here to
This blog is for 1012 and all other sneakers heads out there.
Ciao That Icthbay PJ

Thursday, July 16, 2009

In Style

They all look Fabulous! Am I the only person that thinks Venus looks better than Serena ? (even though men will tell she has a better body). I love both dresses but the Sea Green in Serena's dress is calling me. I love Leona's dress it's appropriate and cute not over dressy for the event she attended. Mario looks real suave he can get it !!! Maybe I'll ask
Elle what designer Serena is wearing.

He Put A Ring On It .....Alright !!!

TI laced Tiny with this ring for her 34th bday, a total of 10 carats. Now the ring is a little too big for my taste, but I will not give if back if someone took it upon themselves and brought it to me. I do not know one women that would. Unless you know your man can not afford that and you are smart enough to take it back get 5 carats then invest the other 5 ;o) but hey what do I know I'm no where near getting married :o) . She getting a Booyakah for this ring, because that is the same cut diamond I want. (in case anyone wanted to know hehe). Awww the TIP on her nails is so cute.

**Dude step ya gifts up, especially if you want your chick to put up with your shit show her you actually appreciate ride or die & loyalty, not just looking for a door mat **

Just For Laughs 7

pic taken from here


A woman writes to the IT Technical support Guy

Dear Tech Support,

Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and I noticed a distinct slowdown in the overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewelery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and Compassion 8.1 and then installed undesirable programs such as BUD 5.0, MONEY 3.0 and PARTIES 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and House cleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?




Dear Madam,

First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an Operating System. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme. html and try to download > Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5 However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Silence 2.5 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Snoring Loudly Beta & Flatulance 2.1. Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law > 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.) In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 > program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend: Cooking 3.0 and Hot Looks 7.7.

Good Luck Madam!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Try This

Crema Restaurante
111 W 17th St
btwn 6 & 7
(212) 291-4477
I didn't like Mexican food until I tried this restaurant.  If had to classify Crema's menu I would say Mexican Fusion. The food is well seasoned, right in the middle of mild and spicy, cooked to perfection. The decor is simple chic,  the restaurant itself is small but yet intimate. Perfect of a date or just relaxing and having girl talk. My first experience with Crema is when my home girl put me on. I met her and a co-worker for a light dinner after work. My second experience was when Brooke had the duck which btw was impeccable (and I had never tried duck before). Ummm memories (ok I'm getting hungry)
 If you are in the New York area try this at one point.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In Style

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One dress infinite possibilities. Find the dress here for $38 buck -a-roonies. I think it's cute.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Food For Thought

If your heart isn't in it, then you should get off the emotional roller coaster. If your heart is in it, pour out your feelings to the one you love before it's too late. Crying over spilt milk, taking things too personally, turning your back on potential romance or commitment or drowning sorrows may be excuses for avoiding a confrontation with the stranger in the mirror. Loneliness born of fear or damaged self-esteem may lay hidden beneath a calm exterior. Learn to depend upon yourself for fulfillment, attention, interest and consideration. The satisfaction gleaned from others' approval is temporary and superficial. Work toward wholeness and happiness by being willing to expand your own expectations. Embrace the commitment and sacrifice necessary to cross your own emotional boundaries.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Horoscope

The Seven of Wands card suggests that you may be defending your honor, reputation or relationship. Setting or testing boundaries means you have to stick up for or stand by your decision. You're unwilling to settle for less than everything you want and deserve. You may be determined to persevere. Trust that everything will work out and you can see your situation through the difficult times
Ok anyone that REALLY knows me will share there thoughts on this ....lmao

Monday, June 22, 2009

Breaking New: Metro Trains Collide

According to ABC News, a D.C Metro Train Collides during a evening commute.One train derailed and collided with another train. So far four people were killed and nine others are seriously injured. This has been name the deadliest accident in D.C Metro history.  

In Style 5

Rebecca Minkoff " Glazed Nikki " Hobo

Botkier "Claudia Satchel"


I love both but if I had to only choose one it would be the Botkier even though I need both as a matter of fact Can some please buy me BOTH. I've been a good girl promise :op lol.

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