Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friends With Benefits ???

Friends with benefits. We've all had them, and some think it’s the perfect scenario: You're out with your girlfriends having a blast, and 2AM rolls around. You've had a few cocktails, and you wouldn't mind making out with a boy so you whip out your cell and shoot a text to your special friend. Minutes might go by before you hear back. You start wondering if your FWB has moved on to another FWB, and now you're bummed because you were counting on him! But wait, your cell phone beeps…and it's him! You hug your girls goodbye and haul ass to his place. You enjoy a night of no strings attached whateva. When you're through you kiss him on the cheek and you're off—til' next time! Many think this type of relationship is ideal, but in most situations, it seems to lead to trouble. Women and men are hardwired differently, so while I think a man can easily walk away from casual sex, a woman ends up thinking about it the next day…and the day after! Plus, one person always ends up getting more attached. When it comes to this kind of relationship, I always advise my girls to proceed with caution. I've always been the type to date like one guy at a time but sometimes I wonder how it would be....No stress, not worrying about where he is what he is doing, if you hear something it's not your problem you do not feel jerked around or played. You know where you stand. Do get me wrong I'm not innocent, I didn't fall in love with every dude I dealt with. I don't think this is for me, but the again I wonder how it would be hummm......... What do you think? Thumbs up or down for the FWB relationship?

Monday, March 30, 2009

In Style 2

Vince Camuto Basso Sandals $98 piperlime.com They come in 3 colors (Flame,Gold, and Black). Great for your next trip to Miami or St. Maarten (yes it is spelled right google it and get your travel game up) wear them during the day with some cute shorts or a dress. And at night make sure you have on the come Fuck Me's LMAO Ciao

Thursday, March 26, 2009

We All Need One

Listen !!!!  SIGH.....I love music
P.S. Dudes say they want a ride or die chick, but what do they do when they get one???
 It is a rhetorical question smh lmao.
 Sike I really want your thoughts.

My Poopah

I will post pics of my "children" aka my friends kids each week. If you would like my to post your kids,nieces,or nephews hit me on my gmail. (PanaJones1@gmail.com)
As we continue to mature (well at least most of us) and get older more of my girlfriends are having children. Even the ones that I thought would never have kids (at least not now) lol. At dinner recently all of my girlfriends are looking thru my albums (I take many pics of their kids) and they are like "I could have sworn that PJ would have had kids before I did. I'm surprised she doesn't have any. " My friend Tracy always says that I will be a great mom. (thanks friend). As a matter of fact after each friend bites the dust (have a kid) they bet me "you are next" All these hoes owe me money (it's a recession pay up heifers lol).
Anyway this is a pic of one of my oldest homies daughter Jada "My PooPah". I love her so much, she is like my own. She is so smart and has so much personality.While she can be a handful when she is with her mother, she NEVER gives my any problems. I will watch her anytime.
So Jada the person I wrote the "Sleepy Time" song for, I love you and Lady loves you. I can't wait to have my own.
How do you feel about the little ones in your life ?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

You Can Lead A Horse To Water.........

I have been doing a lot of thinking....My co - worker said you can lead a horse to water......and I finished.. but you can't make them drink !!!! True Story. This will be a short blog because I have another blog in the works, plus an interview to conduct.
Sometimes you can show someone that they are doing something you do not like, and they just PRETEND they don't know what the fuck you are talking about! So here is a chance to air them out! If I keep calling you and you don't respond and it takes a week for you to hit me back don't get mad when I don't answer when you feel like calling me GROW UP !!! If I tell you something you do bothers me and I feel it is disrespectful and you continue to do it don't get mad when I bark on your ass!!! Sometimes...no MOST of the time I talk too damn much so I know I led your ass to the water by telling you it bothers me or do unto others....Now when you get to the water your ass act like you not thirsty and shit !! LMAO. Moving right along...This girl I use to be cool with always got a ad lib .....Chill the fuck out Young Jeezy (that's right haha) **dead**.
I said I got this bag or this shirt because I liked it , Now you want to talk about why you didn't get it. Bitch I don't care I called you...if you wanted to hate you should called me smh!!! ( that is the undercover hater in your group the one that always says MUST be nice when your dude does something nice for you or you get something expensive ..Yes Bitch it is nice!!) Like you have a friend try to help her and put her on to shit, you trying to fix your credit you tell her what to do so he can get right. This beeyouch goes and starts talking behind your back to some beeyouches that not trying to change her life, but that's who she wants to deal with smh. Then some people have the nerve to wonder why they are stuck and can't seem to grow. I have NEVER been scared to go left. That makes me, me. I would say unique but doesn't everyone swear they are different??? lol. I said to my friends in Aug that I'm making some changes and I am about positive movements...I GUESS some bitches didn't get the memo so they got left behind. Last but not least....Don't call me over a thank you , do what you do from the heart, I don't expect a thank you for nothing I do for you. I do expect appreciation. And if your simple ass can call me about a thank you and I was calling you for 3 months just to see how you are doing and you couldn't answer (I didn't trip) don't get mad when I say your ass is being petty because you are PETTY !!!! Real friends know their friends HEART !! We are all going thru shit get over it!! I do not define family by blood. Some people need to learn the definition of a relationship it goes both ways, Right now I am leading by example , cutting negativity and any RELATIONSHIP that I am in that is one-sided will be tossed like yesterday's trash. Now I must admit now in some cases I could have been a better friend/sister/daughter/or partner it's never too late too change. Everything is equal. Not tit for tat. Miss me with that shit! I AM.....LEADING by example getting my shit together I know what I have to offer and what I will offer once they let me in!!! I'm wearing all white with skips on (can't tell me nothing) still fly. These are the same people that will one day realize everyday you miss you can't get back, life goes on. I know I rather have support from people that Love Me ..then face the world alone!! Remember people aren't mind readers they can't guess what's going on in your life don't shut people out or mistreat them.........sometimes you can't get right back!!!! Rich or poor a TRUE FRIEND has your back. As long as you have that person or people it will be OK. I like I said you can lead a horse to water but .............
DISCLAIMER : 4 Luisa I typed this up this is a rant no editing involved. lol I love you !!! We will start with the next one (wink)
***P.S. This is MY BLOG I say what I want !!!***

Monday, March 23, 2009

Are Immigrants Really Stealing American Jobs ?

I've been hearing people say (whites and blacks) That "immigrants" steal jobs from Americans. They also say that "Americans would NEVER accept the jobs immigrants do". My thing is if you would Never accept those job why the F@#% are you complaining !!!! (crystal skull face) . Before I begin I would like to say the is a MAJOR difference between a Immigrant and a Illegal Immigrant. (if you didn't know now you do). I will ask three questions, then answer each question. (Please answer each then give your overall all feed back) ex Q#1 , Q#2,Q#3, the your summary. Thanx.
Question #1 : Do immigrants steal jobs away from native-born (American) citizens?
My answer is NO. I say no because we all have the same opportunities. In some cases there are exceptions to the rule , but in most cases there isn't. Due to the fact that immigrants have the ability to adapt give them great edge, because native -born Americans are no longer acquiring and are abandoning certain job sectors over the last few decades. What are those job sectors you ask? They are day laborers, seasonal farmers just to name a few. I believe only when un-employment goes up native born citizens become more willing to consider lower- level jobs. Since native -born citizens aren't willing to consider certain jobs, how can you say immigrants are stealing them you didn't want them remember? !! That's why it seems that immigrants remain a mainstream in low- end employment.
Question#2 : Are American willing to do the same jobs often performed by immigrants ?
My answer is NO. I find that Non-citizens whether legal or illegal, are much less likely than natives to be eligible for government assistance forcing them to depend on there hard work to provide for their families. I do think immigrants take jobs that American feels are beneath them. Some employers hire immigrants because they can pay them less money than Americans (due to the lack of education in some cases). Illegal Immigrants are another topic entirely we will discuss at a later date !!!. I blame employers for not following the guidelines. (Shit us immigrants gotta eat too). Yeah Ninjaz I'm a immigrant !! lol
Question#3 : How do you suggest we fix the job situation between Americans and Immigrants?
We are in dire need for both comprehensive labor and immigration reform. Employers need to be held accountable for who they hire and also how they treat their employees. When people feel abused, underpaid or mistreated we all lose! Don't get mad if some willing to do some thing that you won't consider period. Get with it, or get lost !!!
Your thoughts ???

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guess Whoz Bizzack

I know I haven't written a REAL BLOG in a while so tomorrow I'm back with something really good for you guys..........Next Up  " Men say they want a GOOD Woman, but do they really?"
Stay Tuned..........

Ciara " Love,Sex,and Magic" Pics

All I can say is BOOYAKAH !!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Just For Laughs 4

Dead @ anyone thinking this is cute !!!!
I'm jumping in a casket immediatley!...(like Jay said) What more can I say ???

Eye Candy....

Patrick Kodjoe (Boris Brother) Boris Kodjoe Kelis
Christina Milian
(first 2 pics cop'd from NecoleBitchie.com)
First pics are for the ladies, but I couldn't forget my male readers. Boris and his brother is fine as hell!!! For the fellas I added two beautiful Latina woman ! Enjoy
To request Eye Candy hit me @ PanaJones1@gmail.com ( 4 Business Only) Thanks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fast and Furious 4 Movie Premiere

Paul Walker (fine ass) Vin Diesel (fine ass)
Michelle Rodriguez (looks amazing)
Jordana Brewster (she is Panamanian)
Last But Not least my homie Pharrell Williams (fine ass as well)
I can not wait for this movie to come out. I have seen every installment and I am glad they finally got the original cast members to do another movie. From the trailer it looks like it is going to poppin !!! Stay tuned for the review after I check it out.

Love, Sex, And Magic

Ciara debuted her cover art for the single "Love,Sex, and Magic" Featuring Justin Timberlake.
Muy Muy Bueno !!! That's sexy ! From the picture you can tell they have chemistry!!! Someone put out the fire lol. I want to be grabbed like that. Sigh.

Latina Spotlight...

Zoe Saldana attended the Metropolitan Opera's 125th Anniversary Gala in NY. She is Dominican. I think she is beautiful.

Amber Alert

Pics from Sandrarose.com
Now this looks better than anything I have seen her in. She looks classy and sexy. She is a beautiful woman. It only take one good stylist (and Ninja) to upgrade ya lol !!
Btw I'm no fashion expert but her style wasn't bad itchbay status before this .

Kelis Prego Pic

pic from Sandrarose.com

I love Kelis .....She is a Bad Itchbay. I love her music, style, and I have every album she has put out thus far !!! Kelis you look beautiful pregnant.

Monday, March 16, 2009

For Da Fellas.... Numero Uno

I came across this cologne on a blog that I follow and wanted to share it with my readers.
The name of the cologne is "Brooklyn" by Bond No 9.
So there you go fella make sure you smell good for the ladies !!! I know with the right cologne you will get that " He can get it look" lol.
I guess everyone wants a piece of Brooklyn.
"Brooklyn sets standards not trends" - Pana

Fly People Need Fly Sh*t

New Mac Book Line (starting at $1299). I will have to save my pennies for this. It will be a great upgrade from my current Mac..Blanca isn't even 2 yrs old. I guess I'll sell her since she is in great condition so I'll sell for half anyone interested hit me up !!!
To check out all the Mac Books please check it out here for more info.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Cocaine Dreams......

As crazy as this headline must seem, it’s true: Spanish police on Friday arrested a 66-year old Chilean man at the Barcelona airport after they discovered that his cast was made entirely of pure cocaine, Yahoo News UK reports. The man had landed on a flight from Santiago, Chile, and was carrying almost 5 kilos of coke, stashed in fake beer cans, hollowed out stools, in addition to the “cast.” “Investigators are examining the possibility that these injuries were brought about voluntarily... to facilitate trafficking through security checks,” a statement released by Spanish police said. His 2-pound coke cast was revealed when it was sprayed with a chemical that turns blue in the presence of cocaine. Police said it was the first time they had seen a cast made entirely of compressed cocaine. The man was taken to a local clinic to be treated for his tibia and fibula fractures. Spain has become one of Europe’s main points of entry for the drug, mostly imported from the world’s largest producer, Colombia. The European country is also the biggest consumer of coke in Europe, says a 2008 United Nations report.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Love ....

 I sent this to a friend of mine about 3 or 4 months ago......ENOUGH said !!!!!! You brand new !!!
I love this song ! I see this happen everyday.....He is lucky when he tired to Get right back (like Jay said) She wasn't with someone else. 

Just for Laughs III....Addicted 2 Patties

My Jamaican co- worker is addicted to beef patties (Spicy and Chicken) !! Now don't get it twisted I love me some patty, But KRUST is my thing !!!
As he would say " Gangstas don't play around " I hear you Boris ......LMAO (big up big up...playing in the back ground)
Yes I blew you up and what !!

I Need A Fast Car ....

pic cop'd from expertmotor.com
My Brother said I only cater to women , so Here is something for my Fellas....
Jaguar C-XC Concept Car
Designer Phillip Dean designed the new concept car, a coupe that is trying to keep the brand while at the same time trying to go Green. As green designs go, the Jaguar CXC cell is powered by Hydrogen Fuel. Improved aerodynamics are covered by means of wheels and a touch of glass on the body. A single piece of glass stretching back to the neighborhood, windscreen, roof and rear window. This gives provides you with great natural lighting and sleek look. It also works to heat the vehicle (something not needed for hot summer days). Effects of the glasses structural rigidity and safety may also be questioned. I give it a thumbs up and I don't even know anything about cars it looks nice...almost all glass I'll take it lol.....On second thought i wouldn't want a car made up of mostly glass protecting my in a accident ...(Damn catch 22)...But it is sweet to look at.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kiss Me Thru Da Phone....

Now I'm not really a Solider Boy fan....but since I've been home with the flu ..I started reminiscing on the days when relationships were easy...Cute straight to the point and most of all simple !!! It's all about the little things.....
Back with more blogs when I am feeling better.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So Sick

I'm so sick today !!! I started feeling sick yesterday !!!! Someone help this is not a good look. I need a nurse : o ( !!!! ......Until I feel better folks......Ciao

Monday, March 2, 2009

Tight On Cash ??....Ways to Still Have Romance In This Recession

In this tight economy everyone is trying to find away to cut corner. The truth of the matter is you can still date, give gifts, and have a relationship in these hard economic times. In these stressful times people need a escape from the mundane. I am a thoughtful person, I give gifts from the heart. I like to buy items that people can buy themselves but won't or don't have time to ( It pays to listen to these needs so you actually get people what really want not what you want for them).This is a good read for people that are selfish or for people that are defined by there money. Once I gave a guy s glass chess set because one day he said always wanted one. (Glass chest set click here $14.99) I was broke at time, just getting out of college so instead of getting my hair done, just so he could have it for Xmas. Another time I got a guy some handkerchiefs with his initials embroidered on it. My friend Too Kool K this past valentines day made her BF a gift bag with all the little things he liked in it. Sometimes people it is the thought that counts. the 99 cent store sells Bday card (buy one), make one like back in third grade. Everyone one deserves to feel appreciated. I'll take a card with glitter made from scratch any day (I know someone really cared if they took the time out to do that). It's the little things that count .........It's the little things that gets you through the hard times. People are around when you got ........ Don't neglect the people that were with you thru -thick n thin badly , because when the last chips falls who will be loyal. In these hard times let's uplift each other. 
Here are a few ways I feel like you can still have the same relationships and maybe even a more romantic one (wink) 
  • Game Night - w/ friends . Everyone can bring a dish, drinks etc 
  • Candle Light Dinner - always romantic and you can have dessert first (wink). You can also try new recipes and even have a menu restaurant style.
  • Movie Night - instead of going to movies all the time ( it's still a cheap date) you can go to blockbuster the have pre-viewed movies release for 4 for $ 20. That way it's an investment and you get for movies for the price of one night at the movies. ( more sex in the champagne room) 
  • Give each other mani/pedi
  • Massage - gets oils etc....
  • Go to a lounge instead of club (no cover charge ) 
  • Try something new with your partner - poetry night, museums, work shops etc.... Take turns doing something the other person likes to do. Being open- minded helps us grow. Plus it is a good way to get to know your partner on a deeper level. 
Well I have more ideas......I hope this helped..I can't give everything away for free !!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Moment In History

Mildred Loving 1939-2008
She never saw herself as a trailblazer yet the 1967 Supreme Court case Loving vs Virginia, which struck down interracial marriage bans, was Loving doing. Years after she and her white husband were thrown out of Virginia for  having the gale to wed, Loving wrote Robert Kennedy who was moved to action. Sometimes a single voice is all it takes. Aww power of love and perseverance isn't it beautiful why they didn't teach that in School ??

In Style....

I love this outfit !!!! I love the skirt I have to have it !!!!
What do you guys think ???
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