Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are You That Somebody ?

They say that it is every little girls dream to find Prince Charming , get married and have babies, house, etc..... now for some this might not be true, you are not looking to get married, however for those of us that do this blog is for you.
What our parents fail to tell us is that the older you get the harder it seems to sustain a relationship. Somewhere down the line the base principle has been misplaced. Let me go deeper and thoroughly explain.
When we date in high school it's not really dating who back then could really go on dates ? ( I'm not talking about the fast ass girls that didn't have curfews you mama didn't care about you lol ) Seriously where were you going who was paying because I know that ninja was broke lol. Moving along you got "hooked up" then if he/she was cute then you was with it end of story nothing else matter that is what you based your relationship on. Now in college you determine your boyfriend/girlfriend on looks , then if you had things in common etc "you start to get a little more deep" Now as you are proceeding to exist college preparing yourself to go out in the "real world" ( as if you're living in fucking make believe land like real shit don't happen to you ) you start to plan for the future think about what you would like out a team mate plus you gather everything learned from the past failed relationships and see exactly what you do and don't like.
Let's fast forward to late 20's - 30's now you are looking to settle down (in most cases) you are ready thinking about marriage , babies, what can you/ your partner bring to the table, morals, and principles . All of this becomes imperative because without this criteria being met your relationship doesn't stand a chance. It's like being with a person who doesn't want to get married and you do , you're just fucking yourself because the do not posses the proper "core values" in order to be with you. this will only work if your priorities are in order. If you do not know what you want how would you know what your are looking for? Better yet you might be settling I thinking people should a minimum of 5 qualities that a person should posses.
I'm no expert but I believe that if more people followed a certain criteria then they would find people that are more compatibility with. Be patient do not settle or hope they will change , #weoffthat keep it moving ... You might be blocking your blessing everything I write about are my personal views either from my experiences or the experiences that other share with me. I was blocking mine for a long time putting others needs before my own. Now I can say with no regret that it is great to surround yourself with peoples that cares about your NEEDS just as much as their own. I want someone that will sweep me off my feet we all deserve that. At least I don't have to look (whew) . Try it I know you will thank me.
P.S. I want to go back to being hooked up because sometimes it works out for the best :op
What are your thoughts ?
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