Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Learn To Pick Your Battles

Do you want to be right......and alone? It's not about being right or wrong all the time. Sometimes you have to let things slide (not important things). Arguing over every little thing is childish (only you know what is important to you). If you know you have to tell him to take out the trash, just remind him. If it bothers you to put the cap back on the toothbrush WOOSAH the just do it. If he is late just suck it up. Unless he is ALWAYS late then you have to reasses what is worth arguing about and take one for the team (don't date late ass mofo's lol). ***Side Note - There is a big difference between keeping quiet and playing the ass*** (which of course men will pick door #2 all day). I'm not saying make significant amount of changes to the point where you lesson or lose your morals and principles. In the case I say make bounce (face it who wants to play by themselves) it wasn't fun as a child (with imagination) I am not a child !! ( I'm a grown ass woman dog in my Cedric the Entertainer voice). Sometimes women can be stubborn, and argue over petty stuff. It happens to the best of us, because the love is so deep emotions take over. I was never like that, but it's always that ONE that brings out your EVIL twin (in my Dr. Evil voice). We are QUEENS and must lead the way for our KINGS.....(more on that later).
Here is a Tip : Consider softening your approach.Reconsidering a criticism or hard-line stance n a matter could improve your relationship or love-life. I'm finally back to my old self (laughing to myself). My swagger is in rare form. I can do some damage (ego) . I have a bright future and apart of growing is being able to control your thoughts,emotions,and appetites. Keep Doing you, don't wait around for your kings approval (he should know what he has, as you should know what you have as well). In this life I take nothing for granted. I am blessed. It could be worse. Let's not get wrapped up in titles, just have fun and live. We only have one life to live (like the soap) you get one shot let's make it count !!! If you have someone special enjoy the time you spend. Soak up all the momentous occasions because in the end that is all you will have left. I woke up and had an epiphany. If you chose to follow what I have written I believe that in an ironic twist, it could be your respect, compassion to defer and pick your battles that breaks him or melts his heart, and get him to make an exception to the rule.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

What's your Fantasy ???

Someone said to me the other day (about and unrelated topic) Am I trying to live out a fantasy??? (rude rass lol). The answer is NO (peedy pablo) if you really want to know ( which you can only if you are trying to make it happen :oT ) I will more than happy to express my fantasies with you. So there is the first fantasy. Pink and Black Sand what you know about that ?!!!
Make it happen !!!
Like Luda said is his debut single ....What's your fan-ta-ta-sy ?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Jus Chill

So I was talking to a friend of mine and we were talking about men and women and how some times we tend to take things too serious, and stop going with the flow. I must admit I'm guilty of doing just that. I had some running around to do this weekend I put some time aside to really thinking about what moves I need to make. I also hung out with a friend had a good time. I was talking to them about moving ,career plans first I was hesitant at the thought of moving but I thought about it I have no children it's about time I get out and explore. I'm beginning to make necessary changes. Sometimes life throws us a curve ball and we have to role with the punches, adjust accordingly, calculate your next move be 2 steps ahead.Right now I'm thinking of a master plan, getting my mind right (while sitting on the couch w/ my sexy panties on lmfao). I move to reach the next level in my life plan. Even though I am still in my 20's. All of this self -realization while wondering can I "Jus Chill" ? I working on certain traits and I haven't noticed that when I made them was a change for the better, god forbid nothing for the worse. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. I'm ready to move past the mundane and grind out. I think I can get back to the certain moral, principles,core values. Everyday encounters (in most cases) detour you from full filling your destiny.
I feel like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, I have taken some pretty tough circumstances and used them to grow. Now I am developing into something lovely and fantastic beyond my wildest imaginings. I also feel sexy, vibrant, mature, flirtatious, sensual,provocative...well you get the idea lmao. During times like these, it's good to remember how grateful you are -- not only for the easy things in your life, but for the tough circumstances as well. They've shaped you into someone amazing. Take a moment to honor yourself. My friend Tracey said to me yesterday you can either live life or LIVE life (so true mama). Even with all this self realization I am still confused (yes I can keep it 100) about certain aspects involving relationships (please note that when I speak of relationships it should always be considered general ex, family,friends, intimate unless otherwise noted) Can you just chill without losing yourself, being true to your core values, moral, and principles even though certain ideologies change ? Can you continue being the person you were before the relationship and still be considerate to someone else's feeling ?? Shit too much to think about how can you chill with all that shit on your mind ? I think most of people change when we are in relationships. I would like to think I do not I naturally love to cater and spoil my friends or partner. On the other hand there is nothing wrong with letting your inner child run free in moderation (something I should practice more often). Taking a step back to properly evaluate people in your life you to get to the core of what you want and need out your relationships. Some people fall in love with the idea of being in love. So when in the Jus chill phase I think you shouldn't rush things do not make a commitment if you are not ready for one, If you have to cut ninjaz and bitches off do that before making a commitment to someone else save yourself the headache. Please remember Karma is a bitch and will eat you alive do unto others .......
I have a list of things that I would like to do before I have children and some just before I leave this earth I have already started to implement them. So stay tuned I'm sure things are about to get VERY interesting....

Xmas Wish List .....

Hey Guys and Gals I know it has been a minute but I promise that I have some very interesting topics for you coming soon. Xmas is vastly approaching and I know everyone is making their lists and checking it twice to make sure they get what they truly desire. With that being said I've been a very good girl this year ( maybe even too good) and i want everything on my list no stone left unturned thanks :oT .
  1. I would like these CL shoes from @Cxxvii 's blog
  2. I would this black LV bag
  3. Grey Gucci Bag
  4. 1 carat Diamond studs minimum SI 1 and G-H color Screw Backs
  5. A pair Via Spiga Riding Boots in Chocolate size 7
  6. A grey wool coat
  7. (3) watch bands for my watch
  8. ceramic black watch w/diamond (although this gift could cross over into Valentines day wink )

Hey guys what are your xmas wishes ? I hope you all get what you want and deserve.



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