Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Fellow Pisces - Steve Jobs

Born Feb 24,1955 in California. He is the co-founder, chairman , and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar. In the late 1970's he along with apple's other co-founder Steve Wozhiak, created the first personal computer. After going head to head with the board of directors in 1985 , Job resigned from Apple. He went on to create NeXT a company specializing in computer platform development. In 1997 NeXT was brought out by Apple Computer Inc. Since then he has served as CEO. Jobs as acquired the computer graphic division of LucasFilm Ltd (formally Pixar Animation Studio) Pixar was brought out by Walt Disney Corp in 2006. Jobs is currently the Walt Disney Company's largest individual shareholder and a member of Board of directors. he dropped out of college after one- semester. Jobs created the use of mouse- driven graphical user interface. (In lame- man he built the mouse) I don't know what would I do if computers didn't have a mouse OMG..
Still waters run deep with Pisces people don't sleep !!! We are the most creative out of the zodiac. The most intuitive of all signs. This goes to show you that perseverance goes a long way. Don't let not having a college degree stop you. God has a plan for all of us. Grind out, Do you.

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