Friday, March 9, 2012

Network = Your Net Worth

Kevin Hart

Old Friend Pusha -T @his Play Clothes Event

Gloria so sweet very nice

 Recently I have been invited to different networking events some of them were actually networking events and the other half we just parties with people not networking at all lol. I have learned that some peoples idea of networking is partying and you end up leaving with the same contacts and information that you went to the event with. I hear this phrase "Your Network determines your Net Worth" As I am getting older I realize it is "Not what you know but who you know". In most cases that has been proven
to be true but I also feel that what I do know determines who I can know, and who I can know makes all the difference !!!! and I want to know people doing BIG Business people I can learn from, I'm tired of knowing people that know people but are unwilling to help guide or teach because they are afraid of competition even thought you aren't in the same field as them. With that being said let's focus on positive movements and helping yourself . Start by trying different methods and starting trying new things you will never know who you will meet.



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