Thursday, June 11, 2009

Movie Review

Currently out on DVD and On -Demand is the movie Twilight. When the movie first hit the theaters I was like whatever even though I heard it was a must see. I was like "OK it is based on a book" blah blah blah wrote by a woman who wanted to give kids options other than sexual references" whatever :o/ ..... I know I was kinda hating OK OK I was hating a lot geesh ! lol. Moving right along. The reason I didn't want to see Twilight was based on the fact, Do I really want to see another Vampire movie? How will this vampire movie differ from the rest? SO one Sunday when I was bored (I have many of those) I searched On-demand for Twilight booyakah it was there and for $ 4.99 and the privacy and comfort of my own home I could watch this movie make my own popcorn sprawl out on couch and enjoy (let's not forget the fact I can rewind because of phone interruptions lol) So Lady (my Maltese) and I watch the previews, as the movie starts to progress (it starts off slow).......Then out of no where it gets real good (I mean the whole thing is good but now I'm not answering any calls lol) the suspense of how the story line will play out leaves me on edge of my seat because you know it will be more to this story (they hook ya then make you fiend for more).
I was going to give you guys a synopsis of movie but I didn't want to ruin it for you. I went in blind and so should you. I am a movie connoisseur my word is enough for those that know me. If you don't.... remember this KNOW BETTER HOES BETTER DO WHAT I SAY !!! ROTFL.
The sequel is coming soon and you do not want to be left in the dark it is called "New Moon"

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