Thursday, June 18, 2009

Are You Independent ??

in-de-pend-ent  –adjective 1. not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker. 2. not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman. 3. not influenced by the thought or action of others: independent research. 4. not dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence, operation, etc. 5. not relying on another or others for aid or support. 6. rejecting others' aid or support; refusing to be under obligation to others. 7. possessing a competency: to be financially independent. 8. sufficient to support a person without his having to work: an independent income. 9. executed or originating outside a given unit, agency, business, etc.; external: an independent inquiry. 10. working for oneself or for a small, privately owned business. 11. expressive of a spirit of independence; self-confident; unconstrained: a free and independent citizen. 12. free from party commitments in voting: the independent voter. 13. Mathematics. (of a quantity or function) not depending upon another for its value. 14. Grammar. capable of standing syntactically as a complete sentence: an independent clause. Compare dependent (def. 4), main 1 (def. 4). 15. Logic. a. (of a set of propositions) having no one proposition deducible from the others. b. (of a proposition) belonging to such a set. 16. Statistics. statistically independent. 17. (initial capital letter) Ecclesiastical. of or pertaining to the Independents. –noun 18. an independent person or thing. 19. a small, privately owned business: The conglomerates are buying up the independents. 20. Politics. a person who votes for candidates, measures, etc., in accordance with his or her own judgment and without regard to the endorsement of, or the positions taken by, any party.
I posted definations because every one has their own interpurtations on what independent is. The question is are you Independent ? How does it apply to you?

1 comment:

CoogieCruz said...

I think to some degree everyone is influenced by others and at every point in time, we need to be dependent on other for support - whether emotionally, financially or mentally.

I am 85% independent, lol.

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