Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lust Issues

I was talking to a friend a week ago and they said to me that they had "Lust Issues" as we were having a conversation about relationship expectations. they expressed to me they were single because of these lust issues. At first I had to laugh, on the other hand I respected their honesty but then it made me think maybe that is the reason many of us are single. Even if you are not a participant of Lusting you could be the victim of your partners Lust Issues hence there reason for drama, end of relationship leading to your single hood.

I am not saying that I never lusted over an individual but I don't let physical attraction run my life maybe in my teens and early 20's I made certain descions based on physical appearance as far saying yes to a date, agreeing to a relationship that I know we had nothing in common and in the end I ended up bored and it didn't work because I wasn't sure what I was looking for because I was just looking for Mr. Right Now. As I've gotten older there has to be some type of lust I mean I want a strong physical connection but I want that as well as mental stimulation and emotionally stability. Now I would like to explore Lust further because I think we should view both sides of Lust to determine where we would rate ourselves on the lust factor.

Lust : intense sexual desire or appetite. Uncontrolled or illicit sexual desire or appetite; lecherousness.
A passionate or overmastering desire or craving (usually followed by for): a lust for power. Ardent enthusiasm; zest; relish: an enviable lust for life.

So now that I have defined the term for you let's explore lust.  You have people the just wonder around life with no roots usually commit a phobes who have a care free attitude usually people content with casual sex.  Then you have those that want to be in a relationship but still lust around town fucking everything that will give them the time of day (but wants something to come home to at night).  Then last but not least controllable lust I find myself in this category a person who is capable of lusting but weighs all options because of the consequences they might have. That yearns but is still control the habit.

I think being in Lust is a great thing, but Pick Your Poison !!!

P.S. I have a new lust for life. I am going to everything I have always wanted to do no matter what. See lust can be a good thing :op



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