Friday, June 26, 2009

Food For Thought

If your heart isn't in it, then you should get off the emotional roller coaster. If your heart is in it, pour out your feelings to the one you love before it's too late. Crying over spilt milk, taking things too personally, turning your back on potential romance or commitment or drowning sorrows may be excuses for avoiding a confrontation with the stranger in the mirror. Loneliness born of fear or damaged self-esteem may lay hidden beneath a calm exterior. Learn to depend upon yourself for fulfillment, attention, interest and consideration. The satisfaction gleaned from others' approval is temporary and superficial. Work toward wholeness and happiness by being willing to expand your own expectations. Embrace the commitment and sacrifice necessary to cross your own emotional boundaries.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Horoscope

The Seven of Wands card suggests that you may be defending your honor, reputation or relationship. Setting or testing boundaries means you have to stick up for or stand by your decision. You're unwilling to settle for less than everything you want and deserve. You may be determined to persevere. Trust that everything will work out and you can see your situation through the difficult times
Ok anyone that REALLY knows me will share there thoughts on this ....lmao

Monday, June 22, 2009

Breaking New: Metro Trains Collide

According to ABC News, a D.C Metro Train Collides during a evening commute.One train derailed and collided with another train. So far four people were killed and nine others are seriously injured. This has been name the deadliest accident in D.C Metro history.  

In Style 5

Rebecca Minkoff " Glazed Nikki " Hobo

Botkier "Claudia Satchel"


I love both but if I had to only choose one it would be the Botkier even though I need both as a matter of fact Can some please buy me BOTH. I've been a good girl promise :op lol.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Are You Independent ??

in-de-pend-ent  –adjective 1. not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself: an independent thinker. 2. not subject to another's authority or jurisdiction; autonomous; free: an independent businessman. 3. not influenced by the thought or action of others: independent research. 4. not dependent; not depending or contingent upon something else for existence, operation, etc. 5. not relying on another or others for aid or support. 6. rejecting others' aid or support; refusing to be under obligation to others. 7. possessing a competency: to be financially independent. 8. sufficient to support a person without his having to work: an independent income. 9. executed or originating outside a given unit, agency, business, etc.; external: an independent inquiry. 10. working for oneself or for a small, privately owned business. 11. expressive of a spirit of independence; self-confident; unconstrained: a free and independent citizen. 12. free from party commitments in voting: the independent voter. 13. Mathematics. (of a quantity or function) not depending upon another for its value. 14. Grammar. capable of standing syntactically as a complete sentence: an independent clause. Compare dependent (def. 4), main 1 (def. 4). 15. Logic. a. (of a set of propositions) having no one proposition deducible from the others. b. (of a proposition) belonging to such a set. 16. Statistics. statistically independent. 17. (initial capital letter) Ecclesiastical. of or pertaining to the Independents. –noun 18. an independent person or thing. 19. a small, privately owned business: The conglomerates are buying up the independents. 20. Politics. a person who votes for candidates, measures, etc., in accordance with his or her own judgment and without regard to the endorsement of, or the positions taken by, any party.
I posted definations because every one has their own interpurtations on what independent is. The question is are you Independent ? How does it apply to you?

Latino Spotlight

Narciso Rodriguez and Claire Danes attend the CFDA Fashion Awards together, June 15th, 2009. NYC. Getty Images
Narciso Rodriguez arrived at the CFDA Fashion Awards last night with Claire Danes on his arm, modeling a gorgeous form-fitting creation he designed just for her. Although the dress she wore last night was black, Rodriguez will soon be tasked with designing the dress for Danes' white wedding. Danes, 29, and British actor Hugh Dancy, 33, met while filming Evening and dated for more than a year before becoming engaged in February. Although it is unsure when the duo plan on tying the knot, Claire is 100 percent certain about the fact that Rodriguez is going to be successful in creating her dream dress. When inquired about the process, the actress said, "I get weepy ... more emotional than I was expecting. It’s intimate." And when asked about the challenge of working with Rodriguez due to their close relationship, Danes rebuffed the notion, saying, "It’s amazing. I’m so privileged. I’m collaborating a little bit, but I’m just trusting him implicitly. I’m offing my ideas, but they always pale in comparison to his." Sounds like Claire is going to sit back and allow Rodriguez to work his magic. As for taking on the task of dressing his friend on the most important day of her life, Rodriguez is unfazed. “She’s an extraordinary woman, inside and out. That always comes through. You can’t hide it. I just try to make her look more beautiful,” he said of designing for Danes. “And it’s not hard to make her look beautiful.”
I love being Latino we are doing big things, and sometimes do not get the recognition. Things are about to change for the good. I know that dress is going to be a killer (If they make it to the aisle). No disrespect Claire I think you are beautiful but this Hollywood dating scene is wack :o/

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It Was All A Dream

Sitting here with my ipod playing in the back ground Ashanti "Baby" is playing while I'm cooking about to unwind and write this blog. Today I was thinking about this person......... I remember the sweet nothings he used to whisper when thought no one was looking. Find a way just to see me -a master mind- hmmmmm fast forward to the rendezvous the wanting the yearning the thrill of the chase ........Steamy shower scene leads to nothing (arrggh).... The plan is in motion I can leave but I don't. I know I wanted it, but trying to find an excuse go there are plenty.There is no going back, I think I might stay. It's getting late placed that last phone call, just then I see you, you grab my hand lead me into a safe heaven -end scene-. Nervous but quite interested legs shaking. I want to see if the Persona and Ego live up in this moment ....hmmmm OK. It's a wrap ! The beginning of the end, Stealing moments. Rose petals,candles, bubble baths, many first times later..*Sigh*. That NY fitted, black leather, jeans, boots my dude was on punto! *Lust* Many promises not met. You a nomad, Me the air. You like to wander, I need to feel free like gypsy, I don't do confinement well I need to feel I'm partly in control. Certain things still make me smile and this is almost a decade old..Sometimes when your doing your wrap up (shall I say archives of past lives) the mental rewind is necessary. 4 moves later still standing still. Fond memories that need to stay there. You are missed but like almost everything in life the expiration date had come. My Beautiful Nightmare (Sade -Somebody already Broke My Heart playing now)...I'm still dreaming....They will never truly know what could have been. The kinda movement that can not be taught only understood. My friend till the end. A figment of my imagination, something I never had, someone I never knew, but I seen it clear as day. WOW. I guess I should go back to sleep even though I feel I have been sleep long enough, well rested. I'm awake everything looks different From free from dreamland. I'm refreshed. Time to come out of hibernation and play with the other animals. Donnell Jones -Where I Wanna Be- playing in background.

WTF am I talking about ? I'm high ....lmao

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just For Laughs 6

This shit has to be real his face *PRICELESS*

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Movie Review

Currently out on DVD and On -Demand is the movie Twilight. When the movie first hit the theaters I was like whatever even though I heard it was a must see. I was like "OK it is based on a book" blah blah blah wrote by a woman who wanted to give kids options other than sexual references" whatever :o/ ..... I know I was kinda hating OK OK I was hating a lot geesh ! lol. Moving right along. The reason I didn't want to see Twilight was based on the fact, Do I really want to see another Vampire movie? How will this vampire movie differ from the rest? SO one Sunday when I was bored (I have many of those) I searched On-demand for Twilight booyakah it was there and for $ 4.99 and the privacy and comfort of my own home I could watch this movie make my own popcorn sprawl out on couch and enjoy (let's not forget the fact I can rewind because of phone interruptions lol) So Lady (my Maltese) and I watch the previews, as the movie starts to progress (it starts off slow).......Then out of no where it gets real good (I mean the whole thing is good but now I'm not answering any calls lol) the suspense of how the story line will play out leaves me on edge of my seat because you know it will be more to this story (they hook ya then make you fiend for more).
I was going to give you guys a synopsis of movie but I didn't want to ruin it for you. I went in blind and so should you. I am a movie connoisseur my word is enough for those that know me. If you don't.... remember this KNOW BETTER HOES BETTER DO WHAT I SAY !!! ROTFL.
The sequel is coming soon and you do not want to be left in the dark it is called "New Moon"

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yay or Nay ???

Todays topic is Wax Strips vs Wax Kit. So I usually get my waxing done at the spa, but since I am trying to become more recession savvy on top of already being budget consicous **dead** (anymore and I'll have to be a nail tech/waxer/hairdresser) :o/ .

Ok so I tired the wax strips first, I tried them on my bikini area BIG mistake!! Now not trying to boast but I have good hair (ROTFL) and that shit would not budge :ol (where they do that @). Next I tried under my arms F is for FORGET ABOUT IT !!! The hairs there grow in so many different directions making it almost impossible to use the strips in the area. So trying it is pointless. Finally I tired my legs which I never wax and they worked YAY :o) . The main thing that I didn't like about this product is that you have to rub the strips in your hands to warm them up.

Then I tried the wax kit to see it can work better on my unruly hairs :o/ (dead). No that shit didn't work. That shit is so messy!! The wax spillied all over my fucking bathroom floor >:o/ !!!
The clean up was so long and wax is nearly impossible to clean up arrrgghh ! So a matter of fact I am done talking about this product. Not only did it not work it but it caused me two days of clean up.
My Overall Assessment :
Wax Strips - cost about $7 compared to the spa price of $25 and up for legs. I would recommend this product for legs only because they save you about $20 a month. So this product get a thumbs up YAY .
Wax Kit - costs about $12 as oppose to the spa price of $50 and up bikini wax. I say DON'T try this at home folks !! This product gets a thumbs down Nay !
Until my next product disaster Ciao,

Thursday, June 4, 2009


article found here
Have you ever been caught in the act of (NOT) Cheating? Have you ever been accused of cheating on your mate but you did not do anything? Did you ever drop a one liner flirting remark that was taken the wrong way? Have you sent or received that racy email? Is it jealousy that make us that way or insecurity? Have you ever accused someone of cheating on you? I know that sometimes it is hard to know if your mates intentions were to actually cheat or not. Is trust really an issue with a spouse that has cheated before? Have you had a spouse cheat on you or have you cheated on your spouse and got caught? I know that trust should be a factor in a Monogamous relationship, but when you catch your mate flirting or talking to another person it seems disrespectful and hurtful to your relationship. Your spouse is not honoring your bond by flirting with another person. Have you trusted your spouse and stood behind them even after they cheated on you and still made excuses for them? Have any new letters, emails, or phone calls from people you haven’t heard your spouse talk about before begun to surface in their life? This is one sign. Do you believe that flirting is innocent and that it should not be a jealousy issue with the person that has accused you of cheating and you were not? If you are in a committed relationship, Do you think that flirting is off limits regardless of if it was a fantasy or innocent in nature? I have been accused of cheating when someone has engaged me in a conversation. Where do we draw the line? Innocent flirting or just chatting about a topic can actually be innocent at times. We have all engaged in a conversation that was of a questionable nature, but who is to say that its cheating? Is it right to accuse your mate of cheating without proof or them admitting to the crime? If you have ever been caught in the act of ( NOT) cheating, How did it make you feel?

Everyone Has Flaws

Everyone has a personality trait or flaw (non phyiscal) they need to work on. I decided to make this a 2 part blog exploring positive movements the first step is admitting there is a problem lol. I interviewd a couple people to see if what their concerns were. Of course I'll start with myself Let get it !
* Pana - I want to become a better listener, right now I am a decent listener but I am quick to comment.I think I need to gather all information befroe I can comment and make a proper assestment in turn giving and recieving better responses.
*Angela - said her biggest flaw she would like to change is the fact that she has low self-esteem.
* PrettyLadyZay - said she would change how she deals with men " I want more of a back bone when it comes to NOT dealing with bs from them like my mom she is the truth"
*Audra - said she would like to excerise more patience with people.
What is one personality trait that you would like to change/ work on within yourself ?? Be Honest !

My Horoscope

The Nine of Pentacles card suggests that the hard part is over. You've paid your dues and you have nothing to prove. Let the results speak for themselves and don't dirty your hands with idle, trendy or high maintenance indulgences like lovers who don't give back. Take appropriate precautions and nurture the finer things that are in tune with your needs and that faithfully satisfy multiple senses. Craft a flowing comfort zone, retreat, home or romantic paradise from these established simple pleasures or self-renewing efforts. Maintain self-confidence, self-control, independence and the art of being alone. Consistent feeding of your spirit creates a rich and replenished soul.
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