Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Do You Know What You Really Want ?

I feel as though I am easy to please (but who doesn’t lol) I believe when you truly care for someone then they aren’t inconsistent, and most of all they will not be afraid to admit that they are involved with you, and have feelings for you etc. Some people try to front and act like they are so fucking private when in reality they are trying to keep their options open (then do not be with a relationship dick head).
Moving along before I start rambling lol, If you are the only one putting in effort to make your relationship work just let it go and let God (trust I know it sounds easier than it really is) you can not carry a relationship on your back (no pun intended). It is an equal partnership so if one person is getting what they want/need and your needs/wants are being sacrificed then it might be time to move on. Only you can decide your worth. I grew up in non-affectionate household and certain things that have happened in my past have me wanting certain things when I am in a relationship. The problem I have is being a people pleaser. I’ve dealt with too many selfish partners. Now I am not touchy feely but the occasional holding of hands, flowers, card, text, email, or even hand written letter is appreciated. Just show initiative dammit!!! Is that too much to ask? You deserve as much as you give If I give 110% I expect that in return not *% because that means I’m being cheated. Don’t settle just to say that you are in relationship. Trust the person you are in a relationship is going to tell you that everyone out there wants to use you or just fuck you. (Hi hater). I agree most not all people probably want to do that but out of the billions of people in America I’m sure you will find the person for you eventually that will love you unconditionally.
As much as it hurts to brake up, I learned that I really do want the things I used to be so afraid of: a home, marriage, and kids. It doesn’t make me weak or naïve to think it can work out someday, no matter what the current divorce rate is. After all, a truly independent woman knows what she wants and refuses to let anyone or anything -including her own fears –keep her from it. Keep ya head up. You deserve what you want and need. What goes around comes around. Ciao

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Eye Candy 2

If you don't know how these two beautiful people are then Kill yourself !
Thoughts ?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Natural Guide 2 Healthy Hair

pic of my hair taken by my work boo Walter C

If you follow these steps your hair will look like this.....^


your hips may not need the extra mayo, but your hair sure could use it. The oils leave strands smooth and frizz free. Simply slather the spread onto dry hair and leave it in for 30 min before shampooing.


Got coarse hair? This sweet topping helps soften and moisturize strands. Mix 2 tablespoons of honey with 1/3 cup of olive oil and apply to dry hair. Wash it out after 30 minutes.


When combined with coconut milk, this buttery fruit (yes fruit) helps to seal split ends. First, mix together one mashed avocado with 1 cup of coconut milk. Cover tips of hair with the paste and let sit 15 minutes before washing as usual. It's a temporary (and tasty) fix (just get a damn trim !!!) lol

Apple Cider Vinegar

Shiny hair is back bitches (when was it out lol). Just Shampoo hair, then rinse it and pour on 1/4 cup of this vinegar.The acids will strip hair of dulling product buildup, so you are left with glossy locks.


You can deep-condition pelo (hair) with a combination of 2 eggs and 4 tablespoons of olive oil. work mixture through strands, then leave in for 30 min. Rich in protein, eggs help hydrate and repair damaged hair.


Roots Looking greasy? Rub some cornstarch into them to absorb oils. Problema resulto ! (this girl alia hair @ work always greasy someone give her this please print)

Rosemary Oil

So you had a Britney Spears moment and cut your hair off. Try massaging some rosemary oil into your scalp. It's been said to stimulate circulation and promote hair growth.


If you've run out of conditioner, you can use plain,full-fat yogurt instead (listen I said plain not strawberry). Soft, shiny results guaranteed !

Stayed tuned for part Deux...I hope you found this information useful

Thoughts ?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just For Laughs V

*** DEAD***

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Ques Hora Es ?

Emporio Armani Skeleton "Meccanico" Watch $395.00 Kenneth Cole Polyurethane Strap Watch $225 Micheal Kors Oversize Chronograph Silver 44mm $228
The other day my home boy Boris (aka Beef Patty) said that he couldn't find a watch that he liked. I asked him what kind of watch he was looking for etc and how much he wanted to pay. Of course I already knew the answer when he said "like $200 dollars" I'm like you gotta all the way chill lol. I laughed then I told him you get what you pay for the suggested that he up his price a tad bit ( a tad for me is a minimum of $200-300 more in his case). Boris is real regular dude he is also my co -worker. Everyone knows I'm very picky so I picked the watches that I thought he would like and now I would like your thoughts as to which watch Boris should buy. Thoughts ????

I'm Da Baddest Bitch....

I'll show you how to do this son !!!! I'ts so different I love it !! I always love things that go left. Not everyone can pull off this look.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Would you rather have a boyfriend that has a car or his own apartment ?

Men vice versa

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