Monday, October 24, 2011


If you are looking for a Halloween party other than the usual "costume party" this is the event for you. TPG is having a Masquerade Party called Deception on Oct 28, 2011 sponsored by Ciroc.  For those of you that are unsure as to what a masquerade party is, It is a semi formal event in which everybody comes incognito because they are wearing a mask. I find these  parties to be very exciting and enticing. I will be there on Fri hope to see you there I guarantee you do not want to miss this !!!



A Pre Halloween Masquerade Affair

Sponsored By Ciroc Open Bar 10-11:30pm So get there early to take advantage !!

Masks are mandatory

Music By:

DJ Finese DJ Nicole Leone DJ Buck

October 28 2011 | 10-4 | RSVP Strongly Suggested Early

Purchase will guarantee ALL EVENING ENTRY

For bottle reservations, email

My Guilty Pleasure

Gossip Girl 

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Saturday Love

He said I'm the Boss!!! When I call that will be my ringtone. My type of man lol.

Friday, October 21, 2011

What I Want Right Now !

So months ago Necole Bitchie had a pic of her Pink Beats by Dre I loved them instantly now the are available for purchase. I am so excited and just can't hide it ! I have to have them NOW !!!! I just need to decide if I want purple my favorite color or pink to match my Mac case. decisions decisions. If interested you can purchase the headphones for $345.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lust Issues

I was talking to a friend a week ago and they said to me that they had "Lust Issues" as we were having a conversation about relationship expectations. they expressed to me they were single because of these lust issues. At first I had to laugh, on the other hand I respected their honesty but then it made me think maybe that is the reason many of us are single. Even if you are not a participant of Lusting you could be the victim of your partners Lust Issues hence there reason for drama, end of relationship leading to your single hood.

I am not saying that I never lusted over an individual but I don't let physical attraction run my life maybe in my teens and early 20's I made certain descions based on physical appearance as far saying yes to a date, agreeing to a relationship that I know we had nothing in common and in the end I ended up bored and it didn't work because I wasn't sure what I was looking for because I was just looking for Mr. Right Now. As I've gotten older there has to be some type of lust I mean I want a strong physical connection but I want that as well as mental stimulation and emotionally stability. Now I would like to explore Lust further because I think we should view both sides of Lust to determine where we would rate ourselves on the lust factor.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Long Hair Don't Care

I have decided to let my hair grow it is cut in layers even though you can not tell from this pic and sits about mid back. Let's see how long it gets by Feb. I have been thinking about cutting it for my Bday who knows. I usually dye my hair but I stopped last year because I haven't found a color that inspires my if I do then I won't cut it lol. My boo likes it straight so this one is for you Besos.



Random Beauty

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. I find these pictures pure raw beauty. Every week I will post some art the I find beautiful. Beauty can be found anywhere especially in the weirdest places. Enjoy.



Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Latina Spotlight

Cassie Ventura
Say what you want she is a Beautiful woman, my opinion of sex appeal. Bustier w/ red blazer poppin !!!!! Keep killing them chica ! Muy Sexy



Monday, October 10, 2011

A Natural Guide 2 Healthy Hair

I use Argan Oil on my hair and I love it ! It is surprisingly light which is a must for me because of the texture of my hair oil usually weighs down my hair . God forbid I put grease MAJOR no no lol. The fragrance is  very enticing your significant other will love it. They sell different brands of Argan Oil this is the exact brand I use. I get so many compliments on my hair I have decided to share my shine and moisture secret with you guys. This comes highly recommended by my hairstylist Luz who has great taste !  You can get this from you Hairdresser and I've seen it on as well. Enjoy



Thursday, October 6, 2011

Food For Thought

 "All the things that used to matter, doesn't matter anymore" - Pana

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Are You Loyal ? *Repost from 10/29/09*

Loy*al*ty –noun, plural -ties. 1. the state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations. 2. faithful adherence to a sovereign, government, leader, cause, etc. 3. an example or instance of faithfulness, adherence, or the like: a man with fierce loyalties. 

The first thing that comes to my mind when I hear loyalty is consistency, allegiance, faithfulness, fealty, affection, and devotion. These are very important traits to have. This is apart of my genetic makeup. As I am maturing and observing my daily surroundings I noticed that loyalty hardly exists from the street dudes to mobsters, from businessmen to the campaign trail loyalty is a rare commodity. In my travels I hear men and woman (mostly men) speak about how they want someone loyal especially in the relationship aspect of their lives. Then my question in my head is are you in turn loyal ? Do you know the true definition not what you have tailored to fit your requirements but the standard across the board meaning. For instance how can you expect some one you treat like shit do be loyal? How can you be upset if they abandon you or play for the next team? Sometimes you have to look at peoples mind set because after all everything is about perception.... let's dig deep I'll give you a scenario : Let's say you are in an 8 yr relationship or 2 year relationship (doesn't matter) . You have a couple that has a lot in common, same morals and principles, get along well (for the most part). On the outside it seems like the are a pretty descent almost perfect (perfect ...that's another blog in it's entirety) couple. But here are the facts. He spends almost zero time at home, cheats and with cheating comes lies, Plus he is commita-phobe, and isn't taking care of home in the tradition sense (that means not spending time or catering to the needs of the relationship he is in).

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