Monday, March 2, 2009

Tight On Cash ??....Ways to Still Have Romance In This Recession

In this tight economy everyone is trying to find away to cut corner. The truth of the matter is you can still date, give gifts, and have a relationship in these hard economic times. In these stressful times people need a escape from the mundane. I am a thoughtful person, I give gifts from the heart. I like to buy items that people can buy themselves but won't or don't have time to ( It pays to listen to these needs so you actually get people what really want not what you want for them).This is a good read for people that are selfish or for people that are defined by there money. Once I gave a guy s glass chess set because one day he said always wanted one. (Glass chest set click here $14.99) I was broke at time, just getting out of college so instead of getting my hair done, just so he could have it for Xmas. Another time I got a guy some handkerchiefs with his initials embroidered on it. My friend Too Kool K this past valentines day made her BF a gift bag with all the little things he liked in it. Sometimes people it is the thought that counts. the 99 cent store sells Bday card (buy one), make one like back in third grade. Everyone one deserves to feel appreciated. I'll take a card with glitter made from scratch any day (I know someone really cared if they took the time out to do that). It's the little things that count .........It's the little things that gets you through the hard times. People are around when you got ........ Don't neglect the people that were with you thru -thick n thin badly , because when the last chips falls who will be loyal. In these hard times let's uplift each other. 
Here are a few ways I feel like you can still have the same relationships and maybe even a more romantic one (wink) 
  • Game Night - w/ friends . Everyone can bring a dish, drinks etc 
  • Candle Light Dinner - always romantic and you can have dessert first (wink). You can also try new recipes and even have a menu restaurant style.
  • Movie Night - instead of going to movies all the time ( it's still a cheap date) you can go to blockbuster the have pre-viewed movies release for 4 for $ 20. That way it's an investment and you get for movies for the price of one night at the movies. ( more sex in the champagne room) 
  • Give each other mani/pedi
  • Massage - gets oils etc....
  • Go to a lounge instead of club (no cover charge ) 
  • Try something new with your partner - poetry night, museums, work shops etc.... Take turns doing something the other person likes to do. Being open- minded helps us grow. Plus it is a good way to get to know your partner on a deeper level. 
Well I have more ideas......I hope this helped..I can't give everything away for free !!!


Anonymous said...

what about the Free stuff Pana?
Like a walk in the park
making snow angels in the snow
walk around the mall and window shop

anyways i got a link for you

Studio for Rent

Pana said...

Well Go that's great for the summer ..I didn't think walks in the park needed to be said...I guess some people are slow. Thanks for the tip.

Btw why would I need the link?...But I will pass it on

Pana said...

LOL @ snow angels...Shoot I'm sick w/ fever now

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